
пятница, 30 апреля 2010 г.

Lifehackdaily #72

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LIFEHACKDaily #72    April 30, 2010

Five Ways to Make Productive Use of Foursquare (and Not Be Annoying)  7 comments
It’s fashionable to bash on Foursquare, the location-based, social, game-like service that clutters social networks and seems like pure self-indulgence. It’s a lot more useful than most give it credit for, if you dig in and make smart use of it. Even if you’ve never touched Foursquare yourself, there’s a good... read more


A Slushie Before Exercise Boosts Endurance on a Hot Day  7 comments
An exercise researcher in New Zealand determined that drinking an ice slushie before exercising extended runners’ endurance by an average of 10 minutes—a tidbit that might come in handy when you’re tackling that 5k this summer. It’s no surprise that a hot day can easily kill your endurance during physical activity, as... read more


The Elements of Living Lightly  8 comments
“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it." ~Eckhart Tolle Today I'm going to suggest a small change in mindset that could change your life. I won't keep you in suspense. Here it is: think of nothing that happens as either good or bad. Stop judging, and stop expecting. It's... read more


Practical Productivity: How to Quickly Clean a Messy Microwave  9 comments
Why spend more time cleaning than you have to? Today for Practical Productivity, I want to pass on my tips for cleaning a nasty microwave oven. Tools A glass measuring cup or large coffee mug Lemon juice (the kind in the bottle is fine) Rags or paper towels For really nasty messes, a Mr. Clean Eraser How To De-gunk A... read more


Why You aren't Successful  8 comments
If you feel you are wildly successful, then you probably don't need to read this. However, if you are only moderately successful, you probably spend a lot of time wondering what the people who are wildly successful are doing differently than you. There is one huge difference between successful and unsuccessful... read more


Greed is Good: Why You Need to Tap into Your Inner Gordon Gekko  7 comments
Greed is good. Embrace it. Love it. Live it. In fact, greed may be the one thing that can save us. Don't believe me? Greed was the foundation for this country. The brave souls who risked their life to settle in a new country did so out of self interest. Our forefathers... read more


Are You Unconsciously Wasting Hours of Your Life?  7 comments
Despite our interest in getting things done in the most efficient way possible, our minds and habits often work against us. Spend a moment and think of the following: Do you make separate trips for every errand? Do you check your email more than once a day? Do you spend time searching for car keys or... read more


Who Motivates the Motivator?  8 comments
Who Motivates the Motivator? That's a good question isn't it? In fact, it's probably one of the questions I am most often asked. Along with…. (1) Why aren't you married? (2) How can I get a smaller arse? (3) Can I have a job? (4) How can I get a smaller arse? (5) Do... read more


Biweekly Mortgages: Do It Yourself to Save Money  6 comments
On the surface, it seems like it would make sense to enroll in a biweekly mortgage payment plan. In theory, these biweekly mortgage programs offered by lending servicing companies work by allowing you to send half of your monthly mortgage amount every two weeks. As a result, you make two "extra" biweekly... read more


Money, Stress, and Your Health  6 comments
A 2009 AP/AOL survey, Debt Stress in the United States, found that American adults are experiencing significantly more debt-related stress than reported four years ago when a similar survey was conducted. The survey also found that those with high stress levels were likely to experience health problems, including headaches, back pain, muscle... read more

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